About Subject:-
Basic Information about Algorithm anaysis:-
- Algorithm analysis is an important part of a broader computational complexity theory, which provides theoretical estimates for the resources needed by any algorithm which solves a given computational problem. These estimates provide an insight into reasonable directions of search for efficient algorithms.
Run time anaysis:-
- These are some techniques for Run time Analysis of Algorithms.
- Shortcomings of empirical metrics
- Orders of growth
- Empirical orders of growth
- Evaluating run-time complexity
- Growth rate analysis of other resources
Basic Information about Algorithm Design:-
- Algorithm design is identified and incorporated into many solution theories of operation research, such as dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer. Techniques for designing and implementing algorithm designs are algorithm design patterns, such as template method pattern and decorator pattern.
Steps of Algorithm Designs:-
- Problem definition
- Development of a model
- Specification of Algorithm
- Designing an Algorithm
- Checking the correctness of Algorithm
- Analysis of Algorithm
- Implementation of Algorithm
- Program testing
- Documentation Preparation
Design and analysis of algorithms ebook:-
About Book:-
- Book name:- Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition
- Authors:-
- Thomas H. Cormen
- Charles E. Leiserson
- Ronald L. Rivest
- Clifford Stein
- Publication:- The MIT PressCambridge , Massachusetts London, England.
Contents of the book:-
Chapter 1: The Role of Algorithms in Computing
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Chapter 3: Growth of Functions
Chapter 4: Recurrences
Chapter 5: Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms
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