Data structure (DS) GTU syllabus

ds gtu syllabus

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Data structures or DS is a programmatic subject for computer science (CSE) and Computer engineering students.Gujarat technical university(GTU) is also add this subject in syllabus of CSE for Bachelor of   engineering (B.E) students.

For batter understanding of data structures (DS) subject you have to know about Computer Programming & utilization.It is also added in Prerequisite for D.S in circular by GTU.

The Rationale of this subject given by GTU is written below.

Data  structures  is  a  subject  of  primary  importance  in  Information  and  Communication 
Technology.  Organizing  or  structuring  data  is  important  for  implementation  of  efficient  algorithms 
and  program  development.  Efficient  problem  solving  needs  the  application  of  appropriate  data 
structure during program development.

Understanding  of  data  structures  is  essential  and  this  facilitates  the  understanding  of  the 
language. The practice and assimilation of data structure techniques is essential for programming. The 
knowledge of „C‟ language and data structures will be reinforced by practical exercises during the 
course of study. The course will help students to develop the capability of selecting a particular data 

According to GTU Data structures subject is major and core subject of CSE and CE.It have total 8 credits on final result.

Here, we going to inform you about this subject and  Data structures  (DS) GTU syllabus.

Subject  Information :-



   Subject name :- Data structures  (DS)                                         

   Subject code :-  2130702     

           Total Credits :-  8

                              -> Theory Credits:-   4
                              -> Practical Credits:- 4

             Total Marks :- 150

                               ->  External Marks :- 100
                               -> Internal  Marks :-  50

Note:- This informtion is only for GTU(Gujarat technical university) Students.

After Learning Data Structure  course from GTU  you should  be able to :-

1.  Differentiate primitive and non primitive structures
2.  Design and apply appropriate data structures for solving computing problems.
3.  Apply sorting and searching algorithms to the small and large data sets.

Download Data structures  (DS) GTU syllabus

Download gtu DS  Syllabus
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